Saturday, December 28, 2019
Harwoods Poetry - a Valediction, Father and Child and the...
What meaning have you derived from Harwoodââ¬â¢s poetry? Refer to 3 poems and include theoretical readings. The very essence of postmodernism states that meaning is provisional. The meaning that Gwen Harwood imbued in her poems may not necessarily be the meaning that we as responders ââ¬Ëdraw outââ¬â¢ from the poem. Harwoodââ¬â¢s poetry is a product of her own historical, social, cultural and personal context and any subsequent reading is done by responders with their own unique set of circumstances. These new set of circumstances will invariably be different and hence multiple readings of a text can be taken and each reader will take their own meaning from a text. What is important here is the notion of textual integrity. Whatever meaning is perceivedâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦From here on in the persona is unable to return to the ââ¬Ëchild who believed death clean and final, not this obscene.ââ¬â¢ This can be interpreted as paralleling the exile from Eden and is consistent with the idea that with age you inevitably lose your childlike innocence and cannot return to it. Further Biblical allusions can be drawn from the relationship between the father and how the child was able to resist his power and take the gun. The way the father was ââ¬Ërobbed of power, by sleepââ¬â¢ relates to Sampson whose wife cut off his hair in his sleep rendering him powerless. In this account Sampsonââ¬â¢s eyes were also gauged out by the Philistines. The motif of eyes and blindness here strengthens the intertextual connection. A spiritual reading can be applied in that ironically out of loss of power and pain and blindness comes greater insight and renewed spiritual awareness and strength. Father and Child also raises the issue of humanities obsession with power. A psychoanalytic reading can provide meaning to the text when the child takes the gun. It is significant that Freud identified the gun as a symbol for power. Consistent with this reading the childââ¬â¢s motive to kill the owl is purely to satisfy its desire for power and control and to play ââ¬Ëjudgeââ¬â¢ over it. The child after seeing the effects of its actions immediately regrets what it has done when he sees the owlââ¬â¢s eyes, ââ¬Ëmirror my cruelty.ââ¬â¢ Harwood makes the
Friday, December 20, 2019
Strength Based Power Training For The Vertical Jump
Strength Based Power Training For The Vertical Jump By Neal J Putt | Submitted On February 05, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Neal J Putt Power training involves applying a force at the greatest speed possible (Power = force x velocity). Jumping is a powerful movement and it must be trained using exercises which require a high power output. In a previous article, I had described the importance of strength in vertical jump training development. A well-developed strength program supplies the necessary force application in the power equation. Now it is time to discuss how to apply velocity to the power equation. Performing movements at a high velocity is the goal when designing power based exercises along with a second goal of focusing on maximum effort with each repetition. There are two major types of power exercises, those which involve more than body weight resistance and those utilizing only body weight. This article will discuss the application of performing power exercises which incorporate an added resistance through weight training. Power resistance exercises can fall into several categories: 1) weightlifting exercises with a low to moderate percentageShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits Of A Redesigned Volleyball Training Program1192 Words à |à 5 PagesVolleyball Research Essay Training is the first step towards achieving any type of fitness goal, and training programs need to be specific, to achieve specific results. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
New Standards on Audit Reporting for Company- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theNew Standards on Audit Reporting for Public Company. Answer: Key changes in the reporting requirements of the audit report Public Company Accounting Oversight Board is the regulatory body which is in existence to regularise the auditors of public companies. PCAOB adopts the new auditing standards on time to time basis as per the requirements of the changing market environment. It has announced the new auditing standards recently in order to widen the scope of audit reporting done by the auditors as a part of their audit engagement. The new standard aims at enhancing the quality of audit reports and making the reports more informative so as to raise the authenticity of the audit report in the eyes of intended users. Along with the previous reporting requirements PCAOB has directed the auditors of public companies to provide the additional information relating to the critical audit matters of the entity. Critical audit matters are those matters in which auditor has to apply subjective professional judgements during the audit engagement and requires communication of such matters to the audit committee (Chri stensen, Glover Wolfe, 2014). Also, the auditors conducting the audit under the standards prescribed by the PCAOB are required to disclose in the audit report, their audit tenure i.e. the date from which they have started giving professional services to the company on a consistent basis. PCAOB has introduced a new format to report and the changed format demands the auditors to state the fact that auditors are independent parties and hence their opinion is not influenced by any external factors (Ning Chiu, 2017). Auditors are also required to incorporate a new phrase in the audit report starting with the words as whether due to frauds and errors while describing their responsibilities in relation to provision of reasonable assurance about the true and fair view of financial statements. While reporting the critical audit matters auditors are also subjected to describe the considerations that enabled them to identify the matters as critical and the manner in which such critical matter s are dealt with. Similarity and Differences between the IAASB PCAOBs audit reporting approaches The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) Public company accounting oversight board (PCAOB) pursues almost similar approaches to enhance the reporting requirement for the auditors as both the regulatory bodies are aimed to promote greater level of transparency in the financial reports of the company. The auditors are required to report on the key audit matters and the critical audit matters of only current financial year as per both the boards. Key audit matters are defined by IAASB as the matters holding high significance in the overall audit and are necessary to be reported to the investors to draw their attention. These matters requires communication with those charged with governance about the key concern. Whereas the critical audit matters are defined by the PCAOB. Even after the having the similar objectives in relation to auditing practices, the approaches followed by both the boards varies in terms of documentation requirements and other areas (IAASB, 2017). IAASB requires the auditors to document the matters which had seek auditors attention and the logical reasons for the determination as to whether a particular matter arising of audit is key audit matter or not. However, PCAOB sets out the requirement of identifying and reporting all the matters that were communicated to the companys audit committee no matter whether they were determined as critical audit matters or not. Further, PCAOB restricts the auditors to communicate to the critical audit matters in the cases where adverse opinion is being expressed (PCAOB, 2017). On the other hand, IAASB permits the auditors to communicate the key audit matters even when the auditor expresses adverse opinion. But in case where disclaimer of opinion is being provided by the auditors both IAASB and PCAOB restricts the reporting of the key and critical audit matters (Gramling, Krishnan Zhang, 2011) Reasons for the changes in the audit report and the analysis whether these changes are likely to achieve the aims The main objective behind the adaptation of new audit reporting standards is to promote more transparency in the audit reports so as to protect the interests of the shareholders and investors of the company. With the growing complexities of businesses of public companies and their audit procedures, the investors of the companies are constantly demanding the additional information by the means of audit report so that they can be acknowledged about the true financial position of the company. Moreover, due to the increasing complexities it was difficult for the intended users of the audit reports to understand the audit opinion of the auditors. Adaptation of such standards will be in the interest of company and all its stakeholders in terms of transparency. The compliance with the new standards will not only contribute to company and auditors good image in the eyes of investors and shareholders Hence these changes will bring the positive change in the audit reporting practices. Therefor e it can be said the changes brought through the introduction of new auditing standards will achieve their core purposes. Impact of changed audit reporting requirements on the audit practices The new audit reporting standards requires the auditors of the companies to apply extensive audit procedures in the areas where auditor finds the need of applying more complex and subjective auditors professional judgement. The investors demand for more informative and accurate audit reports will ultimately enhance the overall quality of audit practices conducted by the auditors as they will have to remain more focused towards their assurance services in order to earn investors trust (Christensen, 2016). The basic principle of auditors independence will gain more value in the new reporting framework as it is aiming at the protection of investors interest. Identification and reporting of critical audit matters will foster the communication between the auditors and audit committees of the company thereby enabling the auditors to understand the audit matters more precisely. References Christensen, B.E., Glover, S.M. and Wolfe, C.J., 2014. Do critical audit matter paragraphs in the audit report change nonprofessional investors' decision to invest?.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,33(4), pp.71-93 Christensen, B.E., Glover, S.M., Omer, T.C. and Shelley, M.K., 2016. Understanding audit quality: Insights from audit professionals and investors.Contemporary Accounting Research,33(4), pp.1648-1684. Gramling, A.A., Krishnan, J. and Zhang, Y., 2011. Are PCAOB-identified audit deficiencies associated with a change in reporting decisions of triennially inspected audit firms?.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,30(3), pp.59-79. Gunny, K.A. and Zhang, T.C., 2013. PCAOB inspection reports and audit quality.Journal of Accounting and Public Policy,32(2), pp.136-160. International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, 2017, The New Auditors Report: A COMPARISON BETWEEN THE IAASB AND THE US PCAOB STANDARDS, Available at: (assessed on 28.09.2017). Ning chiu 2017, Briefing: Governance PCAOB Adopts Requirement to Disclose Critical Audit Matters in Auditor Reports,Available at: (assessed on 28.09.2017). Public company accounting oversight board, 2017, PCAOB Adopts New Standard to Enhance the Relevance and Usefulness of the Auditor's Report with Additional Information for Investors, Available at: (assessed on 28.09.2017). Public company accounting oversight board, 2017, The Auditor's Report On An Audit Of Financial Statements When The Auditor Expresses An Unqualified Opinion And Related Amendments to PCAOB Standards, Available at: (assessed on 28.09.2017).
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Counseling Ethics Decision Making Process
Question: Discuss about the Counseling Ethics Decision Making Process. Answer: Introduction: A moral or ethical dilemma arises when an individual encounters confusion in choosing between two options, each of which seems to have equally strong grounds to be chosen, and yet the person cannot choose both or more than a single alternative. The healthcare experts often encounter serious ethical moral dilemmas in situations which involve offering an ineffective life-sustaining therapy to a terminally ill person, or applying Euthanasia to a dying patient. However, the case of Susan Lee was indeed an exception. The 57 year old Singaporean surgeon had been making headlines in the newspapers since 2011, as she was accused of having charged an exorbitantly high amount of money while treating the sister of the Brunei Queen. The moral dilemma arising here is that should a doctor charge a hefty amount of $24.8 million simply because she was treating a member of the royal family, or should she charge the exactly same fee for each patient, irrespective of the economic or social differences (Christensen et al., 2014). On the one hand, it can be argued that even if Susan had charged an exorbitant amount of money from the royal family, they had been easily able to afford the huge sum of money, and hence one should not make a big story out of it. On the other hand, the counter-argument here is that a doctor should have an ethical obligation of curing and nursing her patient instead of trying to form a transactional relationship with her. However, the purpose of the essay is to resolve the inherent ethical dilemma that Susan Lim is confronting, and helping her resolve her dilemma with the help of the 8-step ethical decision model (Heyler et al., 2016). Discussion: The 8-step ethical decision model is a special model that helps one to resolve any dilemma by breaking down a problem by each step, examining the consequences, assessing the gravity of each consequence on the people involved, and thereby ultimately choosing the most befitting solution. The first step that needs to be concerned in this model is the identification of the problem. As far as the Susan Lim case is concerned, it has been observed that Susan Lim, the Singaporean surgeon is encountering a dilemma between two potential alternatives. On the one hand she deems it perfect to overcharge a patient who belongs to an affluent family, and can pay a lump sum amount of money in lieu of the high quality treatment she will deliver. However, on the other hand, she is aware that as a doctor her primary obligation lies in restoring health to a patient, regardless of the monetary benefits she is likely to receive through the same. Consequently, developing such transactional relation with a p atient might not only land Susan in trouble, but she would also have to violate the ethical codes of conduct of her profession. The next step here is the identification of the potential issues involved. The major ethical issue involved in this case is that despite being a healthcare expert who is entrusted with the duty of protecting the life of a patient, Susan is inclined to focus more on the materialistic benefits of her profession, rather than the professional obligation. She believes in overcharging the medical fee from a royal family that is unacceptable. On the other hand, there is no rigid rule as to how much a practitioner can charge from his patient, if he is treating him on a personal basis (Grant-Kel et al., 2016). Hence, the other issue here is who is going to determine the ethicality of the situation, as there is no strict ethical guideline in the healthcare industry as to how much can a physician charge his client for, in lieu of the service he is providing (Anderson Anderson, 2014). While the professional virtue is an important issue here, the business consideration is equally an important is sue. For Susan, offering healthcare service is her vocation, and she makes her living out of that. Hence, the other argument here is that if a business man can charge huge amount of money for the ordinary goods sold by him, is it unethical for Susan to charge huge amount of money from a patient who is capable of paying the same? The third step here is reviewing the ethical guidelines. As far as the ethical guidelines are concerned, there are little or no guideline is being formulated that can eliminate the commerciality of the health practitioners. Although the Singaporean High Court has twice announced that each health practitioner has a primary obligation towards the well-being of the patient, and thus he should refrain from overcharging a patient, there are no strict laws about the same. The ethical guidelines of the healthcare industry state that a health practitioner will always have a higher ethical duty towards the well-being of his patient, which should always triumph over his materialistic considerations (Jonsen, 2015). The next step to consider here is that it is necessary to know the relevant laws and regulations concerned here. Although there is no strict law against overcharging, and it is assumed that a patient would charge minimal amount of out his own accord, if a physician is being continually accused of overcharging the fee, he would be sued for professional misconduct and end up paying a huge amount of money as part of the penalty. The next step involved in this model, is that consultation has to be obtained from other experts about the ethicality of the decision to be taken (Doval et al., 2015). The Court as well as the Medical Council Board of Singapore has clearly stated that a doctor can never charge a fee higher than the market rate. Even if the patient agrees to the higher medical cost involved, the High Court of Singapore makes it a mandate that the ethical obligations of a patient should under any circumstance get an upper hand over any contractual obligations. In the next stage, it is important to consider the possible course of action, and act accordingly. Here, Susan is left with two alternatives- either she can consider the option of overcharging the patient, driven by her desire to achieve greater profit in her profession, or she can respect the ethical codes of conduct of her vocation, and charge the market fee, overlooking that the patient belongs to an affluent family. The seventh step to consider here is to weigh and assess the consequence of each possible course of action. As far as the first course of action is concerned, it is being observed that the patients family can accuse Susan of having overcharged the medical fee, and that is likely to ruin the reputation of the doctor, and can also mar the public attitude towards the ethical integrity of the doctors. Besides, the first alternative has a high probability of landing him amidst legal troubles as well (Chattopadhyay, 2015). On the other hand, if the second alternative is to be chosen, that is if Susan is prevented from choosing the option of overcharging her patient, the patients family would not accuse her or her family of anything wrong, and she would not have to encounter any legal penalty for having breached the moral codes of medical ethics. She would be able to remain true to her professional obligations as well. After considering and assessing the possible consequences of each action, it has been observed that Susan has two possible alternatives to act on, and given the choice to choose the right one, she should always choose the second alternative. The reason behind choosing the second alternative lies in the fact that Susan would face undesirable legal issues on overcharging a patient. The Singaporean government has mandated that a doctor should only charge fair and reasonable fees from his patients, and he should not prioritize his commercial benefits over ethical responsibility towards a patient. Although there is no ethical limit, as to what fee should be charged, if the patients family accuses the doctor of overcharging, she might end up paying $10000 in the form of penalty. Besides, if Susan would be legally sued, this might have a negative impact on her career prospects as well. Considering this, she should choose not to overcharge her patient, and even if she intends to charge high considering her expertise, the amount should be moderately high (Weaver, 2016). Susan Lims action of overcharging a patient, violating her ethical obligations towards a patient cannot be justified to be ethically a right alternative at all. However, if one has to defend her action, and comprehend the reason why she chose the option, the theory of Moral Subjectivism should be chosen. According to the theory of Moral Subjectivism, an action can be regarded to be morally right or wrong in accordance with what the subject, or the perpetrator of the action considers to be right or wrong. Thus, no action, according to this theory is intrinsically right or wrong, and if the subject deems his action to be ethically right, the action is right, regardless of what the social norms claim. As far as Susan Lim is concerned, she overcharges the medical fee, that is considered to be wrong as it is violating the ethical codes of conduct a medical expert is expected to follow. Susan Lim herself was well-aware that she was not charging an exorbitant amount of money from an impover ished or financially insolvent person, but rather she was charging a hefty amount from a member of the Royal family. The patient or her family, according to Susan, were financially powerful enough to afford the medical bill, without any difficulty (Barker, 2013). Another majo reason as to why Susan might have done this, or undergone the moral dilemma is that the dctor was one of the most recognized surgeons of Singapore, and hence she deemed it perfectly right to charge high, considering her higher skills and more acknowledged expertise. Susan herself might argue as well that despite being involved in a vocation that serves the welfare of the public, she just like any other person intends to earn penny through her profession. Thus, while a private tutor might sell his service at a higher fee, or a business man might sell his cookies at a higher price, she also wanted to sell her service in lieu of a higher amount. The theory of moral subjectivism claims that the rightness of an acti on solely depends on the thoughts and opinions of the perpetrator. Consequently, if one looks at Susan, one can find that Susans argument can well justify her position and the reason of her action. According to this moral theory, it is vain to criticize and judge the actions of other people, sa not only every one acts in their own interests, but each man works in accordance with what he feels to be a right action. Susan herself thought that her medical profession was the only source of income for her, and resultantly she chose to hike her fee, considering the expertise nad recognition she has earned over the years. Although in this way, with the help of the above theory, one may easily justify the moral position of Susan Lim, it is important to have a look at the limitations of this theory as well. As far as the theory is concerned, the rightness of an action is determined I terms of what the subject deemed to be right. Hwever, the major limitation of the theory lies in the fact that to each perpetrator of an action, his own perspective is right. Very few people suffer from a sense of repentence and accept that his action was wrong. Now, if one has to consider the rightness of an action in terms of the perspective of the doer, almost every action, including the wrong ones, have to be deemed to be right. Each action as such would have to be considered to be just. The thief stealing someone elses property must be justified if one has to consider that his perspective was right, as he wanted to bring money to his home at the expense of the hard work of other people (Tan, 2016). Hence in justifying the case of Susan Lim with the help of this theory lies in the fact that Susan Lim was wrong in her choice, and yet she thought that her action was right according to her perspectives. However, it is important to use ones own judgment and discretion, and object to an action, that is considered to be morally objectionable, regardless of what the subject thinks. Conclusion: To conclude, it should be noted that overcharging a patient is not legally or ethically acceptable. It should be noted that Susan or doctors like her often face an ethical dilemma, as they want to charge high and yet understand that the same is not an ethical option. However, it is important to resolve the ethical dilemma, and Susan should remember that she should comply by the ethical obligations of her profession, or else she might face penalty or imprisonment of 3 years. Considering this, Susan is being advised to refrain from overcharging the patient. Reference List: Anderson, M., Anderson, S. L. (2014, July). GenEth: A General Ethical Dilemma Analyzer. InAAAI(pp. 253-261). Barker, K. (2013). The Island Has Its Reasons: Moral Subjectivism in Fiction. Chattopadhyay, S. (2015). Corruption in Healthcare and medicine.Indian Journal of Medical Ethics,10(3), 153-189. Christensen, J. F., Flexas, A., Calabrese, M., Gut, N. K., Gomila, A. (2014). Moral judgment reloaded: a moral dilemma validation study.Frontiers in psychology,5, 607. Doval, H. C., Tajer, C. D., Borracci, R. A., Nuez, C., Samarelli, M., Tamini, S. (2015). Survey on Ethical Conduct Thresholds in Cardiologal Medical Practice in Argentina.Developing world bioethics,15(2), 68-75. Grant-Kels, J. M., Kim, A., Graff, J. (2016). Billing and up coding: Whatsa doctor-patient to do?.International Journal of Women's Dermatology,2(4), 149-150. Heyler, S. G., Armenakis, A. A., Walker, A. G., Collier, D. Y. (2016). A qualitative study investigating the ethical decision making process: A proposed model.The Leadership Quarterly,27(5), 788-801. Jonsen, A. R., Siegler, M., Winslade, W. J. (2015).Clinical Ethics: A Practical Approach to Ethical Decisions in Clinical Medicine, 8E. McGraw Hill Professional. Lim, J., Lee, D. (2013). Re-making Singapore healthcare. InSingapore Perspectives 2012: Singapore Inclusive: Bridging Divides(pp. 61-79). Tan, S. H. (2016). The Problems with Moral Subjectivism. Weaver, C. A., Ball, M. J., Kim, G. R., Kiel, J. M. (2016). Healthcare information management systems.Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Ivy League Rankings What Do They Really Mean
Ivy League Rankings What Do They Really Mean SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Ivy League colleges are often viewed as the gold standard of colleges in the US and worldwide. While most people know that all Ivy League schools are good, which are the best Ivy League schools? Now you can find out with my exclusive 2019 Ivy League rankings. Get excited! In this article, I'll rank the Ivy League schools. Furthermore, I'll describe what makes the Ivy League unique, explain how to find the Ivy League school that's right for you, and give you advice on how to decide whether you should pursue an Ivy League education. What Is the Ivy League? The Ivy League is the term used to refer to the eight schools that make up the Ivy League athletic conference. Below is the complete Ivy League schools list in alphabetical order: Brown University Columbia University Cornell University Dartmouth College Harvard University Princeton University University of Pennsylvania Yale University Ivy League schools are all extremely selective private colleges in the Northeast. Also, the Ivy League is the onlyNCAA Division I athletic conference that doesnââ¬â¢t award athletic scholarships. The term Ivy League has become synonymous with extremely prestigious, highly selective colleges. For this reason, many people incorrectly label other prestigious private colleges, such as MIT and Stanford, as Ivy League schools. Stanford's Memorial Church is impressive, but Stanford isn't in the Ivy League. (Justin Kern/Flickr) How I Ranked the Ivy League Colleges Itââ¬â¢s difficult to rank the Ivy League colleges against one another because theyââ¬â¢re all outstanding schools.There's really no consensus about which Ivy League school is the best, and each ranking list seems to rank the Ivies differently. To determine my Ivy League rankings, I looked at the ranking lists onUS News, Forbes, and Niche. Each list differed from the others, so thoughthereââ¬â¢s no consensus about how to rank Ivy League schools, there is general agreement that all Ivy League schools are among the best colleges in the country.I averaged these three rankings but counted the US News rankings twice, since this list isthe most prestigious and most commonly cited of all college ranking lists. For a more thorough breakdown of the methodologies used to determine how schools are ranked for each list, check out my article on all the college ranking lists you should read. I think these three lists complement each other well because they emphasize different aspects of colleges that contribute to overall school quality. Of these lists,US Newsmost strongly emphasizes the academic reputations of colleges. The academic reputation of a school iswhat education experts think of the academics at a particular college. US News gives a peer assessment survey to university presidents, provosts, and deans of admissions to help rate academic quality. It also surveys high school counselors across the US. The Forbes list most heavily emphasizes student outcomes, factoring inalumni salaries, the amount of debt students have upon graduating, student loan default rate, and even prestigious professional accomplishments from alumni, such as winning an Oscar or Nobel Prize. Finally, the Niche list most heavily emphasizes quality of life. While Niche also incorporates academic reputation and measurements of student outcomes into its rankings, unlike the other two lists, Niche takes into account the quality of campus housing, athletics, technology, the party scene, and diversity. Want to get into Harvard, Princeton, or your personal top choice college? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Here come the rankings! Hooray! (Antoine Butler/Flickr) Ivy League Schools, Ranked (2019) Here are my 2019 rankings of the Ivy League schools. I created a table with each school's ranking, location, and undergraduate enrollment.The average ranking is based on counting the school's US News ranking twice.You can click on each school's link to see the average high school GPA of admitted applicants, its standardized test scores, and its acceptance rate. Note thatUS News separates colleges into four categories(National Universities, National Liberal Arts Colleges, Regional Universities, and Regional Colleges) for its ranking lists. All the Ivy League colleges are considered National Universities,so each school's ranking is being compared with those of all other colleges in the National Universities category. School Location Undergrad Enrollment US News Ranking Forbes Ranking Niche Ranking Average Ranking* Harvard University Cambridge, MA 6,766 2 1 3 2 Princeton University Princeton, NJ 5,394 1 5 5 3 Yale University New Haven, CT 5,746 3 2 4 3 Columbia University New York, NY 6,162 3 15 7 7 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 10,033 8 7 6 7.25 Brown University Providence, RI 6,988 14 8 9 11.25 Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 4,410 12 9 19 13 Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14,907 16 13 21 16.5 *As a reminder, the US News ranking for each school is counted twice due to the prominence of the US News ranking list. What Can You Determine From These Ivy League Rankings? As you probably know, Ivy League colleges have extremely good reputations.All Ivies are ranked in the top 16 National Universities by US News.In terms of numerical rankings, there isn't much distinction among Ivy League schools, but there are some notable differences. In most Ivy League rankings, Princeton, Harvard, and Yale are at the top.They're the topIvy League schools and some of the very bestcolleges in the US. They're comparable to top-tier non-Ivy League schools such as Stanford and MIT.There's probably some debate about which schools compose the next tier of Ivy League schools, but, based on my rankings, I would put Columbia, Penn, and Brown in the second tier.Their academic reputations aren't quite as established as those of the first-tier schools, and as a whole they're slightly less selective. Comparable non-Ivy League schools include Duke and Caltech. The finaltier of Ivy League schools would be Dartmouth and Cornell.Cornell has the highest acceptance rate of all Ivy League institutions (but it still only admits 13% of its applicants). Non-Ivy League schools that are comparable to Dartmouth and Cornell in terms of quality include Northwestern and Vanderbilt. Remember that rankings are subjective, but they can reveal how colleges are viewed by employers, graduate schools, and the general public.Even though Harvard and Cornell are both incredibly prestigious schools where you can receive a world-class education and become part of a successful alumni network, the general consensus is that Harvard is the better school. Matt Damon went to Harvard, but he left a little early to do the acting thing. How to Decide Which Ivy League School Is Right for You Many of the Ivy League schools are extremely similar. Theyââ¬â¢re private schools of similar sizes with excellent academic reputations. In addition, they are all located in the same region of the US, they all have large endowments, and they all tend to offer generous financial aid. If youââ¬â¢re interested in attending an Ivy, youââ¬â¢ll have to do extensive research to determine which Ivy League school is right for you.You can use college finders, search websites, guidebooks, and other ranking lists to try to find the best Ivy for you. Here are four factors to keep in mind as you research the Ivy League: #1: Setting One of the biggest differences between Ivy League schools is their settings.Figure out whether you want to go to school in an urban, suburban, or ruralarea.The urban Ivy League schools include Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Brown, and the University of Pennsylvania. However, theyââ¬â¢re all in cities of very different types and sizes. In terms of urban environments, Columbia is in New York City- the most densely populated city in the US- while UPenn is situated in Philadelphia, another large city. By contrast, Brown is in the small city of Providence, Rhode Island, offering a much more subdued environment. Similarly, Harvard is in a college town called Cambridge, which is located just outside of Boston. And Yale is located in New Haven, Connecticut, which has a population of just 130,000 compared with the roughly 8.4 million people in NYC. Princeton is the only Ivy League school in a suburban setting.It's more self-contained and the surrounding area is quieter than those of other Ivies. Naturally, there are far fewer entertainment options and cultural attractions than you would find in a large city (though more than you'd find in a rural area). Princeton is only an hour from Philadelphia and an hour and a half from NYC. Cornell and Dartmouth offer students a rural environment,where students are surrounded by nature and there's not much going on in the town unrelated to the college. Rural colleges tend to provide more of a community atmosphere, but there are usually fewer jobs and internships in the vicinity. A student who'd really enjoy being in the urban environment of Columbia might not enjoy the rural setting of Dartmouth, and vice versa. Be sure to think deeply about which type of setting you'd feel most comfortable in. #2: Academic Programs, Majors, and Requirements While all Ivy League schools are strong in the humanities, social sciences, and STEM, each offers different programs, general education requirements, majors, and concentrations. For example, Cornell is the only Ivy to offer a business management program with a focus on hospitality through its School of Hotel Administration. Meanwhile, Penn is home toone of the most prestigious business schools in the US and offers a number of undergraduate business majors that arenââ¬â¢t available at other Ivies. Lastly, Columbia has extensive general education requirements in its Core Curriculum, whereas Brown has very few. If you have an intended major or area of study, compare the majors and course offerings at the different Ivies to ensure that youââ¬â¢ll be able to pursue your academic interests. #3: Size The size of the school is a factor to consider as well.While most Ivy League schools are a similar size, there aresome differences to be aware of. If you're deciding between Cornell and Dartmouth, for instance, keep in mind that Cornell's undergraduate enrollment is about three times the size of Dartmouth's. While some students prefer a larger, more vibrant atmosphere, others would enjoy a smaller, more tight-knit community. #4: Campus Culture Finally,consider the campus culture of each school. DifferentIvy League schools have different reputations in regard to the types of students they attract and admit. Princeton students are often viewed as more preppy, for example, whereas Brown students are perceived as more progressive. Some stereotypes might be more accurate than others. Read guidebooks, talk to current students or alumni, andvisit the campusesto get an idea of the culture and to determine whether you'd fit in. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Do your college research. Is the Ivy League (or Another Top-Tier School) Right for You? When finalizing your list of colleges, remember that Ivy League colleges are reach schools for almost everybody who applies to them.The odds of getting into an Ivy are low, regardless of your academic resume and extracurricular activities. If you want toget into an Ivy League school, you have to be extremely dedicated.For more tips, check out our other Ivy League-related guides: How Many AP Classes Do You Need for Ivy League Schools? Which High School Classes Do Ivy League Schools Require? SAT Subject Test Scores for the Ivy League Whatââ¬â¢s a Good SAT/ACT Score for the Ivy League? Good SAT Scores: Ivy League Plus Edition Although there are undeniable benefits of attending an Ivy League college, some students might find that the sacrifices they have to make arenââ¬â¢t worth it.As long as youââ¬â¢re motivated and have a good work ethic, you can be successful in life regardless of the college you attend. You might decide to take a less challenging class schedule or spend more time with friends. Doing all of this might decrease your overall chances of getting into an Ivy League school, but it's important to consider what makes you happy and what will let you enjoy your high school experience.On the other hand, if youââ¬â¢re willing to put in the necessary work to gain admission to an Ivy League school and are determined to attend a top college, youââ¬â¢ll have to be extremely committed to be able to make this happen.The process to get into an Ivy begins early in your high school career- well before you evenapply to college.Ultimately, with enough determination and hard work, you might be abl e to give yourself a realistic shot of getting into an Ivy League college. Even if you donââ¬â¢t get accepted to an Ivy, chances are that youââ¬â¢ll still be able to attend a selective, prestigious college. Good luck! What's Next? Want to go to a top college but don't want to attend school in the Northeast? Then check out my other articles on the best colleges in the South and Midwest. To help identify schools that you have a good chance of getting into, read our guide on target schools. I also recommend taking a peek at our guide on how to set your SAT/ACT target score based on the colleges you're applying to. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson - Essay Example As the President he worked on reversals of a number of Federalist policies like the removal of the excise tax on whiskey, the cut back on military budget and reduction of the national debt, secured repeal of the Naturalization Act, and also worked on getting the Alien and Sedition Act to expire and pardoned anyone affected by it (Wright, 2008). Alexander Hamilton on the other hand was born very simple however he grew to become a very strong and recognised figure in the powerful central government. He as well joined the Cabinet as the secretary of the treasury when Washington became the first President in 1789. He has proved to be very productive and has secured in the creation of the national bank and dealing with the government debts (DiLorenzo, 2008). Although he had been very helpful to the country and proved to be a very successful leader, he was in a scandal of adulterous affairs which led him to be public ridiculed. Both these leaders were equally good politically and with the amount they provided to the public, however Alexander Hamilton was the only one who was faced with a lot of public ridicule. Later Alexander needed to choose between two political opponents for the presidency and this is when the two, Hamilton and Jefferson worked on the same side to win over Adam Burr, who was considered to be unprincipled. Both Hamilton as well as Jefferson were to extremely principled and focused (Wright,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Discussion Question 12 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Discussion Question 12 - Assignment Example The most important non-verbal communication is active listening, which can only be achieved when nurses set aside their personal feelings and thoughts. This helps nurses to listen for any cues and develop successful writing skills. In order to demonstrate that the nurses are listening, they reflect, summarize, acknowledge, empathize, paraphrase information, and check for any cues. This is an important communication style since it offers patients a chance to air their concerns and help nurses to make informed decisions when they write down some of the information that they acquire. This also helps in checking the documented notes and reporting on the patientsââ¬â¢ conditions in a manner that other medical professionals can get a clear picture of the situation (Bramhall, 2014). I am definitely ready to listen to my patients and to do this, I have to learn some listening skills and ensure that I do not interrupt the patients. I will also strengthen my listening skills by making a conscious move or effort to not only hear the words that are being spoken by the patient, but also to try and understand and empathize with them. I will get rid of all the distracters; hence, avoid misunderstanding and create a healthy environment in which the patients can freely talk (Bramhall,
Monday, November 18, 2019
Greeting Cards Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Greeting Cards - Research Paper Example Greeting cards has the potential to play a pivotal role in maintaining the goodwill of the business. The businesses use them to remind business partners of their presence. When businesses receive greeting cards on and off, they may also feel valued and important for the client. The feeling of importance may allow the business to take further interest in strengthening relationship ties with other clients. The application of greeting cards became modern just like other aspects of our lives. Nowadays, people are sending greeting cards through electronic means, but the people have lost the true taste of receiving them because human mind does not respond well towards online greeting cards in the same way. The human mind and personality internalizes stimulus in print more powerfully than electronic ones. The trend of building and forging social relations is also dying out in the modern era of the 21st century. The humans of modern times are very active on Facebook and they tend to enjoy their experience of socialization on the web. However, they are completely unaware of the fact that they might have thousands of friends on the internet. They do not have a shoulder to lean on in the times of sorrow. The modern friends remain part of oneââ¬â¢s life during good times only, and they fly away on sighting the first sign of trouble. That is the difference between conventional friendship and modern one. In historical times, the buddy was even closer than oneââ¬â¢s blood relatives (Fischer & Reuber, 2011). The present is witnessing breaking down of social relations that kept the community together. On the other hand, the online socialization sites are making billions by just getting people to place clicks so the humanity is dying out, and economic considerations have become very valuable during the process of selecting friends and partners. Human development and grooming occurred as a result of
Friday, November 15, 2019
Those Winter Sundays Analysis
Those Winter Sundays Analysis The poem, which I selected for analyzing and interpreting, is Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden. The question raised by the author has been attracting the readers for a long time, since it deals with a situation which most of people have experienced at least once in their lives. The authors language and artistic devices by which he transmits the idea that people often pay little attention to good deeds and kind attitude especially when they has become a part of somebodys routine leave a really strong impression, often making the reader stop and re-think his attitude towards some events in his or her life. In this poem the author recollects memories from his childhood, when his father rose before dawn to kindle the fire in order to warm their hose on winter morning. Hayden skillfully uses deep and powerful imagery to convey his emotions, not giving direct statements but letting the reader to surmise what was implied in the lines therefore making a bright and living picture of that event in his or her mind. Those Winter Sundays honors a much-criticized figure in American culture of the 1990s the withdrawn, emotionally inexpressive and distant (and probably unhappy and angry) father. The poem makes its way towards perceiving the emotional life of such a man. The poem realizes love as it lived in such a man (Goldstein and Chrisman 254). Beginning with the phrase Sundays too my father got up early the author indicates that his father got up early not only on Sundays, but during the whole week also, thus giving the image of a hard-working man, who though having a day off gives up his opportunity to have a rest for the sake of his family. Hayden also emphasizes that the man has got cracked hands that ached from labour in the weekday, making the reader to feel a little more drama and sympathy for his father. Te author sums up the first stanza with a simple literal line No one ever thanked him, therefore accomplishing splendidly his image of a caring man who shows a real regard for his family every day, but no one appreciates that. In the second stanza the speaker describes what he did, while his father performed his morning routine. The reader sees a little boy lying in his bed, reluctant to get up and waiting for the cold to stand away. The second line here also gives an important detail: When the rooms were warm hed call, one more time showing the fathers regard for the boy. However, the last line of this stanza may seem a bit puzzling: Fearing the chronic angers of that house. Such a phrase may imply various meanings. Without knowing the background of this verse it is hard to judge about what the author meant by these words. Of course there is a possibility that chronic angers relate to the house itself and living in poverty the boy does not love his home. But knowing the authors biography, especially the facts about his living in the atmosphere of fights and quarrels in the foster family, one can rather incline to the thought that the boy neither liked his house nor his father, therefore never noticing goo d qualities of his foster parent and care towards him even when they were displayed. In the third stanza Hayden refers to one more sign of regard from his father and polished my good shoes as well. Along with that he gives his own respond to such situation: Speaking indifferently to him, thus admitting ungrateful ignorance from his own side. In the final lines of the third stanza the speaker asks a rhetorical question: What did I know, what did I know/of loves austere and lonely offices? Hayden indicates that being a child he did not understand love often rather expresses itself indirectly, through help and care hidden in actions rather than through any kind of demonstrative expression such as words or embraces, which are commonly considered to be a real sign of love and care. One may suppose, that in his childhood, being a bit more selfish than now, like all children do and having little experience the speaker felt only negative energy that belonged to the house and paid no attention to his fathers effort to warm the house and polish the boys shoes. What is more the last two lines of the poem may also explain that the boys childhood was rather unhappy anyway, that is why he did not know much about love and was not able to appreciate it discerning it in his fathers routine. Containing traditional fourteen lines, this verse is an example of a sonnet, though the lines lack a reliable rhythm. There still are some rhymes and near-rhymes but no rhyme scheme. Though one should not omit that fact that the sonnet was written at the time when free verse was really popular in the Anglo-American literature. A kind of hidden alliteration is also implied by Hayden, such as the k sounds in the words ached,cracked, blueback and so on. In some way it adds elements of pain to the general atmosphere of the verse, especially if one takes the phrase cracked hands that ached. Gradually, the k sounds are replaced by the o sounds, like in the words good, shoes, know, love, offices etc. These drawling sounds evoke associations with love and loneliness. Therefore, along with the impression which the reader gained from the poem by reading the speakers narration of the event, the reader also perceives the same story by sonic means. The noise of this poem moves us through its emot ional journey from discomfort to lonely life (Goldstein and Chrisman 252). The author establishes a pensive and regretful tone almost from the very beginning. Even the heading Those Winter Sundays evokes an image of cold and often cloudy days, therefore producing a feeling of sadness and melancholy. Hayden introduces cold and uncomfortable images, like blueback cold to strengthen the picture of undesirable conditions of the unheated house. Hayden aids the initial tone of regret by sharing with the reader an image of the fathers cracked hands. All these means help the reader to realize clearly the main idea of the poem. The poems thesis is that the office of love can be relentless, thankless, and more than a little mysterious (Goldstein and Chrisman 252). All in all, this sonnet leaves a deep impression and induces to re-think the way in which we treat sometimes people who care for us. Therefore, one can learn a good lesson from it: there are times when a person simply does not see the love expressed indirectly, thus staying indifferent and ungrateful towards the person who does have a regard for him or her.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Dell Case Study Essay -- Business and Management Studies
Dell Case study. In this report we are going to analyse the business environment of the computer industry in the form of a PESTE which stands for Political, Economical, Social-Cultural, Technological and Environmental. We feel that it is important to analyse the environment of a business as it will help the business to identify the Opportunities and Threats surrounding it. Using the case study of Dell we have identified the following opportunities and threats of the computer industry. Political There are a number of political issues, that large organisations such as Dell must consider when expanding or operating in different countries. Obviously government in the western world have different ideals to the countries in other regions. Rules and regulations in different countries would reflect their different ideals; so in order for companies to be successful, they must have a good understanding about how different governments operate. As stated in the case, patents and trademarks are prevalent in the computer industry, so it is important for organisations to develop good relations with different governments. Other elements that must be considered include: Currency exchange rates, taxation and employment law, labour conditions and political stabilities. Organisations should also understand different governmentsââ¬â¢ attitudes towards monopolies and competition. Economical Opportunities: 1) The computer industry is predicted to continue to grow in volume over the years. It is expected to grow between 15-20% over the next 3-5 years. This is influenced by the development of the internet and the global expansion opportunities. 2) The foreign markets like Asia and china were previously not accessible due to their political and economical environment. However the situation has changed eliminating barriers thus is now readily accessible; this is a big opportunity for the computer industry to grow in these regions. Threats: 1) Economical changes around the world can affect the computer industry. The biggest threat to the industry is the instability of the world market, for example Dell opened a new manufacturing facility in Brazil and the changes in the South American economical conditions could thus affect the company. 2) The currency fluctuation in different regions can affec... ...mation Ltd (2003) ââ¬Å"European IT chiefs plan more investment in 2004 (analysts' views)â⬠Computer Weekly, 9th of September - Ziff Davis Media Inc (2003) ââ¬Å"HP Promotes PC Recyclingâ⬠eWeek, 6th of February - Reed Business Information Ltd (2003) ââ¬Å"Suppliers introduce price incentives to get users to invest in the latest PC hardwareâ⬠Computer Weekly, 14th October - Simon Quicke (2003) ââ¬Å"Suppliers' views; Top supply executives predict market upturnâ⬠Computer Weekly, 9th September, Reed Business Information Ltd - Adam Lashinsky (2000) ââ¬Å"The Wired Investor: Once the drivers of the great bull market, PC makers have seen their stocks battered and bruised. The question is: Do they still deserve a place in your portfolioâ⬠Fortune, 18th December - Ben Elgin (2003) ââ¬Å"Hitting the Delete on Compaqâ⬠Business Week, 14th of April, The McGraw-Hill Companies - Ziff Davis Media Inc (2003) ââ¬Å"Dell Entering Consumer Electronics Marketâ⬠eWeek, 25th of September - Andrew Park; Faith Keenan; Cliff Edwards (2002) ââ¬Å"Whose Lunch will Dell Eat Next? Now, it's moving into printers, storage, and handheldsâ⬠Business Week, 12th of August, The McGraw-Hill Companies
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Marco Polo in Renaissance
Born in 1254 in Venice, Marco Polo is today a well-known figure of pre-Renaissance travels, and for his ground breaking travels to lands never before Journeyed by Europeans. He was an Italian traveler and author, and spent the majority of his life traveling and exploring. His father Nicola and uncle Miffed, both merchants, had conducted business and trade in Constantinople (now known as Istanbul) and the Crimea. However, when Genoas merchants, rivals to the Italian Polo's, took over trade in Constantinople, Nicola and Miffed were forced to find alternative trade opportunities.Thus, in 1260, they set out to the north of the Caspian Sea and reached Babushka (which was on the caravan route to China) and remained there for 3 years. Thereafter, in 1263, Joining the Persian envoys, they made their way to visit the Mongol Emperor Kabuki Khan in Changed (near present Beijing). To arrive there, they traveled the Silk Route via Samara Sand, the Northern Tibetan desert and the Mongolia Steppes. Upon their arrival, Kabuki Khan commissioned them to return with 100 missionaries to convert his nation to Christianity in opposition to the heartening Islamic armies.Over the next 3 years the Polo brothers traveled via Babushka, Persia, Syria and Acre (near Jerusalem) to arrive back home in Venice in 1269. The return to China In 1271, at the age of 17, Marco Polo accompanied his father and uncle back to China, visiting Acre to collect a letter from the newly elected Pope Gregory X for Kabuki Khan. They also collected a flask of oil from the Holy Land and 2 Dominican monks (who were later to desert the Pools) from Gregory X to deliver to the Khan. In the hopes of revealing to India by sea, the Pools traversed Persia to the mouth of the Persian Gulf, Horror.Yet, unsuccessful at finding a suitably safe boat, they continued traveling by land in a North-Easterly direction through Persians deserts and mountains to Karakas (now Khakis), on the Chinese border. As Marco Polo was ill, they waited here for a year to rest, after which they continued Journeying up the River Ox's (now AMA Dairy). They traveled through the Hindu Cush and Pamper mountains, (home of the large horned sheep that now bear Marco Polo's name), after which they traveled along the ringer of the Take Make desert to the region of Lop Nor in Sinking Province, China.Finally they crossed, by meaner of camel caravan, the Gobi Desert to reach (3 and a half years after leaving Europe) Kabuki Khan's court in Changed in 1275. The Pools were the first Europeans to reach most of the territory they had covered, particularly the Gobi Desert and Pamper mountains. Marco Polo's experiences in the Orient Marco Polo became an agent on numerous missions to various parts of the Mongolia Empire for 17 years as a part of the Khan's diplomatic service.As part of his duties, he Journeyed through Tibet as well as along the Yanking, Yellow and upper Mekong rivers. He was probably also the first European to set foot on Burmes e soil. It is believed he visited countries as far field as Siberia to Indonesian archipelago. He also visited the Mongolia capital at Khartoum. It is also believed that Marco Polo was city governor for Yanking (now Honchos) for three years from 1282 to 1285. During all this time, Marco's father and uncle served as military advisors to the Khan.As the Khan aged, the Pools were uneasy as to the Empire's soundness. In 1292 the Polo's escorted the Mongol princess to Persia, where she was to be married to the Persian Khan. They traveled for two years, having to use a sea route as war prevented the use of the land route. With a crew of 600 and a 14-ship fleet, they sailed from Sustain (today known as Quantico) on China's coastline to Horror. On their way to Horror they Journeyed through Sumatra, the Strait of Malice, past Sir Lankan, past the Madman and Nicolai Islands, reaching the city in 1294.By this time, however, only 18 of the original crew had survived, and the Persian Khan had di ed a year earlier, leaving the Mongolia Princess to marry his son. Finally, 24 years after the commencement of their travels, the Pools returned to their hometown of Venice in 1295. By that stage they were very wealthy, as they had sewn precious gems and stones to their clothing for safekeeping. When Venice went to war with Genoa, Marco Polo was a captain in the Venetian fleet. However, he was taken prisoner by theGenomes in 1298, and during his imprisonment dictated the history of his travels to inmate Rustically of Pisa, a writer of romances. When he was released from prison in 1299, he returned to Venice where he married, had 3 daughters, and later died in 1324. He was buried next to his father in the church of Lorenz. Polo's Legacy The account of Polo's travels, first brought to light in French as Liver De Marseilles du Monde, later translated to The Travels of Marco Polo, is most probably the most influential travel book in history.Providing the reader with distinct description s and orphic detail, this account provided pre-Renaissance Europe with an influential and revolutionary knowledge of the geographical make-up, history and life of the Orient. Although known to be somewhat exaggerated with fabulous extravagances, this book became the foundation for the first correct maps of Europe and Asia. The Polo's ultimately inspired Christopher Columbus' interest in the East and spurred him on to set off on a new west-ward route to the Orient in 1492, and later spurring Vases dad Gamma to round the Cape of Good Hope in another new voyage in 1497.
Friday, November 8, 2019
How To Write a Perfect Persuasive Essay
How To Write a Perfect Persuasive Essay Perfect Persuasive Essay How to start writing a persuasive essay How to write an outline How to write a thesis for a persuasive essay How to write an introduction How to write body paragraphs Tips on body writing How to finish a persuasive essay Tips on conclusion writing Tips on essay revision Persuasive Essay Sample Essay writing is a challenging but mandatory task, and college students are expected to be well equipped to handle different types of essays. Essays are written for different purposes. A persuasive paper is written to help persuade, convince, influence or motivate the reader about a particular idea. The purpose of a persuasive essay is to inspire your readers to agree with your perspectives or viewpoints. How to start writing a persuasive essay When writing a persuasive paper, it is essential to keep in mind that the claims you present ought to persuade and convince your readers. Below are some tips which can help you learn how to start your perfect essay. Select a topic. Before you start a persuasive essay you need to select a topic. Pick a topic which you are familiar with so as to enable you to have points which are for and against the topic. Choose a position. When you have a firm stance, you will not only sound authoritative but also present your claims easily. Have a clear outline. A clear outline enables your essay to have a smooth and easy flow. Moreover, it enables you to easily jot down your ideas. Choose a stout, defendable stance for your thesis statement. Your thesis statement needs to take a strong active stance on the subject matter. This shows that you have a firm position and that you fully support your arguments. Conduct ample research. Sufficient research enables you to have enough material to substantiate your arguments. How to write an outline To learn how to write the perfect persuasive essay, you should have a clear and precise outline detailing your main points or arguments. Developing an outline is fundamental because it simplifies the writing process. Below is an example how you can develop a clear outline. TOPIC: Should college education be free for everyone? INTRODUCTION Generally explain the state of college education in the country. Free college education does more harm than good. BODY Free college education will lead to the quality of education being degraded. The essence or value of education will depreciate. Schools will also lack enough funds to develop. CONCLUSION Restate the thesis statement. Summarize your main arguments. Emphasize on your position in the topic. Free college education is indeed bad for everyone. How to write a thesis for a persuasive essay A thesis statement is vital in writing a persuasive. It presents your topic to your audience, affirms your stance on the topic and enables you to have significant reasons to support your arguments. To learn how to write the thesis for a persuasive essay, you ought to understand your topic and have a clear stance or opinion on the topic. Additionally, a strong thesis statement should be brief and specific. This enables your audience to understand what your argument is. How to write an introduction The introduction of a persuasive essay should capture the attention of the readers in the first sentence. The reader(s) should be motivated and convinced that your argument is indeed weightier than the counter-argument. While the introduction of a persuasive essay motivates and influences the reader(s), the thesis statement shows your position and perspective on the topic. To learn how to write the introduction and thesis for a persuasive essay, ponder on the following tips: Start with a hook. A hook captures the attention of your reader(s) and makes them interested in reading more. Have a clear and specific introduction. Readers need to know that you have a firm position and therefore, have something straightforward. Have a clear and precise thesis statement. This indicates your position in the essay. Include some of your supporting arguments in the introduction. This will help convince your reader your position. How to write body paragraphs The body of an essay is what builds up the thesis statement. It enables you to present your arguments which support your assertion in the introduction. Additionally, it is in the body where you convince your audience that your position on the topic is the most viable. Tips on body writing The body of an essay outlines a detailed explanation of your claims. When writing the body of a persuasive essay, it is essential to consider the following tips: Use clear and concrete direct topic sentences to begin each paragraph. This enables a consistent flow of your arguments. When you use a direct topic sentence, ideas keep on flowing which makes it easy for you to write your essay. Have brief, well explained and clear paragraphs. Having long paragraphs can lead you to over explain a point which makes your audience easily lose interest in your article. Use specific examples. Providing examples shows your audience that you understand your arguments. Use transition sentences. These empower your article with a simple and systematic flow. Have clear and precise sentence structures which will enable your essay not to have prolonged sentences leading to lengthy paragraphs. Lengthy paragraphs often lead to loss of focus. How to finish a persuasive essay When writing the conclusion of a persuasive essay, it is essential to note that your arguments are strongly supported and backed up by solid reasons. For your audience to be fully convinced and moved, you ought to have all your arguments well supported. Tips on conclusion writing In order to learn how to write a conclusion for a perfect persuasive essay, it is essential to put the following tips into consideration. Restate your main argument. Provide a summary of your main arguments and focus on the strongest one(s). Conclude with a statement which calls your audience to action. Tips on essay revision Perfect essay writing requires the provision of quality work. Revising your paper enables you to correct the errors you come across so as to modify your article and make it exceptional. Below are some tips to consider when revising your persuasive essay. Ensure that your position is well presented and that your arguments are supported by appropriate specifics. Certify that your introduction is appealing to your audience and that it keeps them reading. Have clear and brief body paragraphs which offer strong and convincing evidence to support your arguments. The transitions between sentences ought to show your reader(s) that you fully comprehend your position. Ensure that your conclusion expresses the significance of your position and that it urges your audience to meditate and act. Persuasive Essay Sample Should college education be free for everyone? The state and quality of college education in the country is indeed in good condition. People often argue that free college education will benefit the less fortunate students and enable them to go study. However, the truth is that free college education is more disadvantageous than it is advantageous. It will do more harm than good. It is my belief that the introduction of the free college education will degrade the quality of education. Schools develop and support themselves from the fees that students pay. Money from state and federal governments is honestly not enough to ensure that schools are able to cater for themselves. Introducing free college education will strip schools off the funds which they are currently using to support themselves. The essence of education will also reduce or be destroyed. The free college education provides an opportunity for everyone to go to school. However, the real value of education will be lost in the way as everyone will afford to go to school even if they do not work as hard for it. In conclusion, the essence of a perfect persuasive essay is to demonstrate that certain claims are more valid than others. Perfect persuasive essay writing necessitates that your arguments motivate and convince your audience that you have a firm stance and urges them to think and act. We hope you will find this article helpful.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
One Figurehead Against the Other essays
One Figurehead Against the Other essays Along with being a personal narrative of a manà ¡s journey to overcome sin, the Inferno also is a cascading allegory of the Medieval interpretation of the relationship between good versus evil and the afterlife. It is on the allegorical level that one infers that hell is representative of sin, with Satan as definitive sin at Hellà ¡s center. This conjecture of Satanà ¡s allegorical meaning is supported in the Inferno as shown by, à ¡Now see the face of Dis! This is the place where you must arm your soul against all dreadà ¡ (Canto XXXIV, 20-21). Further analysis of this interpretation of the Dark Lord later in the text shows that there is a perversion of the Catholic Holy Trinity present within him. Danteà ¡s use of this perversion, rather than simply being a mockery God as many of the sinnerà ¡s punishments mock their sins on earth, is allegorically representative of how sin, or the ultimate sin in the case of Satan, is a perversion of Godà ¡s perfect image and grace. When the poets reach the last depth of Cocytus, Dante presents his image of Satan to the reader in a way that clearly perverts the Catholic Trinity and the image of the Christian God. Under Catholic Doctrine, Lucifer was originally an angel of God, who, like earthly men, was created in Godà ¡s image. This premise is presented early on in the Bible, à ¡Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let him rule over all the earthà ¡KGod created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created themà ¡ (NIV, Genesis. 1:26-27). Lucifer was cast into hell to be eternally tormented for his insolence against the Father and his lust for the throne of heaven. Dante takes this background and shows Satan, the representation of ultimate sin, as a grotesque, demonic figure with the same features of the angel that he was, though lacking the angelic form of those features. This is stated in the Inferno as, à ¡If he ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Conflict at Disney Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Conflict at Disney - Case Study Example Three stages of conflict are perceived, felt, and manifest conflict. Dysfunctional conflicts ââ¬â Michael Eisner Conflicts in organizations are detrimental to the productivity of a company. During the tenured of Michael Eisner as CEO of Walt Disney Company his management style and personality clashed with a lot of key internal and external stakeholders. People skills are a critical success factor for managers today. The interpersonal conflicts he trigged became so distractive that it led to his demise as CEO of the company. Effective communications and managerial communication skills positively influence effective organizational behavior (Kondrat, 2009). Mr. Eisner created problems and conflicts with a lot of key and powerful players in Disneyââ¬â¢s power hierarchy. I would categorize the conflicts Eisner had with the Weinstein brothers, the two board members, and Steve Jobs as dysfunctional. Dysfunctional conflict is an undesirable business practice because it hurts the moral e of the company and it lowers the productivity of the employees. It also disrupts the corporate culture of an enterprise. Some of the reasons dysfunctional conflict arises is associated with organizationââ¬â¢s structure, policies, and processes (Landau, 2004). This type of conflict can be instigated by a person that does not listen to what others have to say and impose his belief system on others. The disruptive leader at Disney was its former CEO, Michael Eisner. Harvey and Bob Weinstein were key business partners of the company. They were the founders of Miramax which was a company of interest to Disney because the company negotiated the purchase of copyrights from them valued at over $2 billion. Michael Eisner made a mess of the negotiations and ended up causing a conflict over the financial details of the deal that had the potential of leading to a lawsuit. Lawsuits are an undesirable business outcome because it hurts the public image of a company. Eisnerââ¬â¢s blunder wi th the Weinstein brother was not his only incident of dysfunctional conflict. During his tenured as CEO he was often confrontational and fought with two members of the board of directors, Roy Disney and Stanley Gold. These two board members often publicly criticized Eisner and on many occasions called for his resignation. The actions of Eisner were undesirable because the executive management team is supposed to work in alliance with the board of directors to accomplish the mission and goals of a corporation. A third dysfunctional conflict that Eisner instigated was with Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs was the CEO of the animated producer Pixar. Michael Eisner publicly disrespected Steve Jobs and his company in front of Congress. After that incident the feud escalated and Jobs wanted to cut his relationship with Disney. In the end Michael Eisner was fired from his position at Disney due to his inability to build positive relationships with important customers and other power figures at Disne y. His actions led to the manifestation of several dysfunctional conflicts. Dysfunctional conflicts are risky due to the fact that they can escalate and lead to bigger problems for a company (Businessknowledgesource, 2010). Conflict with Steve Jobs ââ¬â conflict stage Michael Eisner did a terrible job in his relationship with Steve Jobs. Steve was a very powerful player both in the computer and film industry. He had several disputes and conflicts with Steve in regards to their business
Friday, November 1, 2019
Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services Assignment
Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services - Assignment Example The body is also responsible for upholding the activities of ââ¬ËMarylandââ¬â¢s Criminal Justice Information Repositoryââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËCriminal Injuries Compensation Boardââ¬â¢ and the ââ¬ËMaryland Police and Correctional Training Commissionsââ¬â¢ along with many other criminal related functions. The human resources play a considerable role in the operational procedure of this agency as well. The main mission of the body is to protect the public, its employees and control offenders under its supervision. The main vision of the legal body is to establish itself as the most recognized body in the nation which believes that their employees are the biggest strength and can stop any form of illegal activities. The leadership quality of DPSCS is well known all over the state for maintaining a strict form of leadership quality which helps in maintaining law and order in the country. Within the periphery of DPSCS, The Maryland Public Safety Education and Training Center (MPSE TC) is located in Sykesville in Maryland. It functions beneath the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions which is a division of DPSCS (Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, n.d.). ... It is a general overview of the operational and the basic safety measure of firearms, as applicable for the purchase, rental or transfer of regulated firearms. It does not allow students to pursue this training course as the law does not permit it. The institute includes staff office, class room for training the applicant, an armory for storing the firearms used during the training, weapon cleaning areas with solvent storage and a computerized shooting stimulation station. Though the institute provides no indoor range for practice however the FTF building consists of 4 pistols and one riffle range all with self-contained bullet traps (Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, n.d.). Drivers Training Facility (DTF): Another facility provided by the DPSCS is the facility of training drivers. The facility mainly deals in training new drivers the different rules and regulations which should be considered while driving. The institute is co-located and approximately 2 miles from the academic related institute of the agency. The institute consists of training vehicles, classrooms, fuel, automobile supplies and a DTF repair garage. The enrollment procedure for drivers training can be done online in the official website of DPSCS (Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, n.d.). Academic and Administrative Complex (AAC): Academic and Administrative complex controls all the administrative and most academic and training centers in this complex. The Public Safety Education and Training Center is located in the ground of Maryland Springfield State Hospital. The main aim of this department is to improve local infrastructure along with reducing the expenditure by establishing legal bodies such as Police
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Gun Control Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Gun Control Paper - Essay Example Gun ownership has remained a controversial issue in American politics. The controversy stems from the right to bear arms as outlined by the US constitution and the deliberate efforts and responsibility of the federal government to control gun related crimes (Valdez, 2003). Gun control laws exist almost at every government level since the federal government taxes the automatic weapons and the short barrel rifles which should be registered according to National Firearms Act of 1934. In addition, the Gun Control Act of 1968 prohibits the transfer of guns to minors and also mail-order sales of guns in America. Although the 1968 Act required all guns to have serial numbers and prohibition of guns to individuals who have been convicted of felonies, the act has done minimal in controlling gun-related violence. The Gun Free School Zones Act of 1995 limited ability to carry guns near K-12 school, but different States have permitted full access of schools while armed (Valdez, 2003). On January 16, 2013, President Obama outlined several steps in gun control and access to mental health services. The proposals include background checks for all gun related transactions, stronger bans on assault rifles, and emergence response funds for shootings in schools. The proposals also include enhancing mental health services access among the young people and providing the law enforcement agencies more powers to investigate and prosecute citizens involved in gun related crimes (Valdez, 2003). The process policy model is the best model in legislating gun control laws. The focal point of the model is the political processes that involve all concerned stakeholders through changing the perception of the citizens and allowing public participation (Ginsberg & Miller-Cribbs, 2005). The process model starts with problem identification and the need of government action towards solving the problem (Fox, Bayat & Ferreira, 2006). The second step will include policy formulation and development of p roposals through the input of congressional committees and other interest groups. The third step should entail legitimization of the policy which will entail making the policy as law by the actions of the Congress and the President. The fourth step will entail implementation of the policy as law across the country through preparation of budgets and measures of the law enforcement agencies (Ginsberg & Miller-Cribbs, 2005). The final step will entail evaluation of the policy by the government agencies in order to ascertain whether the policy and laws have been able to deter gun related violence across the country (Fox, Bayat & Ferreira, 2006). Agenda setting/ identification of the gun violence problem The initial step in gun control policy will be outlining the need to legislate on gun control. The President will outline the societal need of protection from gun violence and escalating gun related deaths in the country (Fox, Bayat & Ferreira, 2006). The President must make the citizens also understand the Second Amendment of the constitution did not grant citizens the individual right to gun ownership. The President should create awareness that the United States is the leading country in gun ownership and has the highest rate of gun crime across the world. For instance,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Breaching Exercise Essay Example for Free
Breaching Exercise Essay As a sociology student I have some experience in the field of messing with social norms. When assigned to create a breaching exercise situation I can say I felt comfortable as opposed to the first time I was instructed to break a norm. Breaching experiments obtain to study peopleââ¬â¢s responses to disruptions of generally conventional social rules or norms. I will admit I had a few weird ideas that I have always been interested but had some difficulty finding the means to conduct these experiments. I narrowed down my options and came up with one that was more realistic and decided to purposely mistake shoppers for employees in department or grocery stores. I conducted this breaching exercise in three different places over the past week. The first place I went to was Target. Everyone pretty much knows that the standard Target outfit involves a red polo, however there werenââ¬â¢t any red poloââ¬â¢s walking around that were not actual employees. I came across a middle-aged man in a red t-shirt who was looking in the bath section and simply asked him, ââ¬Å"Excuse me, could you direct me to the electronics section?â⬠His reaction wasnââ¬â¢t anything to look into; he simply just laughed and explained that he doesnââ¬â¢t work there. He looked down at his red shirt and thought I just made an honest mistake. I gave a shy laugh; acting embarrassed, apologized and walked away. The second place I visited to try this experiment was Walmart. I walked into Walmart with a friend and went to the gardening section. I decided to come up with a little story rather than just asking a direct question. I found a man who looked like he was in his young 20s and started rambling, explaining that I had a big project I was working on for my outdoor patio and I wanted a specific look. He let me ramble on for about a minute and a half before he cut me off by explaining he was shopping for his own patio furniture and would be no help to me. He didnââ¬â¢t seem to think it was as funny as the first man, however he still acted kind. Lastly I went to Harris Teeter to experiment in a grocery store. I felt that maybe the type of store I mistook a shopper for being an employee would make a difference. I was right. I felt quite bad about this situation after leaving in all honesty because I had no clue it was going to be as offensive as it was. I found a woman around the breads who looked like she was in her 50s. I asked her if she could tell me where her gluten free bread section was. She had quite the attitude when she responded explaining that just because she looks some type of way does not mean that she is an employee. I felt bad because I did not want her to think I thought she was an employee because of her appearance, I just got confused and frustrated because I couldnââ¬â¢t find what I was searching for. She calmed down a bit and we both apologized for the miscommunication and I quickly decided to be on my way. This experiment is definitely interesting however should come with a warning. I would never personally offend someone like this, and had I known that I would have I would have reconsidered my exercise, however I was happy with my results varying. It was good to have different results to work with and think about once it was completed. I thought about the differences between the people and the stores I visited and tried to understand where each individual I approached was coming from by their reactions.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Free College Essays - The Noble Othello in Shakespeares Othello :: GCSE Coursework Shakespeare Othello
The Noble Othello This character is so noble, Othello's feelings and actions follow so inevitably from it and from the forces brought to bear on it, and his sufferings are so heart-rending, that he stirs a passion of mingled love and pity which readers feel for no other hero in Shakespeare, and to which not even Mr Swinburne can do more than justice. Yet there are some critics and not a few readers who cherish a grudge against him. They do not merely think that in the later stages of his temptation he showed a certain obtuseness, and that, to speak pedantically, he acted with unjustifiable precipitance and violence; no one, I suppose, denies that. But, even when they admit that he was not of a jealous temper, they consider that he was "easily jealous"; they seem to think that it was inexcusable in him to feel any suspicion of his wife at all; and they blame him for never suspecting Iago or asking him for evidence. I refer to this attitude of mind chiefly in order to draw attention to certain points in the story. It comes partly from inattention (for Othello did suspect Iago and did ask him for evidence); partly from a misconstruction of the text which makes Othello appear jealous long before he really is so; [Endnote 2] and partly from failure to realise certain essential facts. I will begin with these. 1. Othello, we have seen, was trustful, and thorough in his trust. He put entire confidence in the honesty of Iago, who had not only been his companion in arms, but, as he believed, had just proved his faithfulness in the matter of the marriage. This confidence was misplaced, and we happen to know it; but it was no sign of stupidity in Othello. For his opinion of Iago was the opinion of practically everyone who knew him: and that opinion was that Iago was before all things "honest", his very faults being those of excess in honesty. This being so, even if Othello had not been trustful and simple, it would have been quite unnatural in him to be unmoved by the warnings of so honest a friend, warnings offered with extreme reluctance and manifestly from a friend's sense of duty. [Endnote 3] Any husband would have been troubled by them. 2. Iago does not bring these warnings to a husband who had lived with a wife for months and years and knew her like his sister or his bosom-friend.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Teaching Education Careers Essays
Educational Goals and Philosophy There is only one incentive that makes me want to be a teacher, but that one incentive comes along with so many everlasting rewards that I have enough motivation to teach for a lifetime. I have always felt a strong desire to help people, so when I began my college career I decided to major in Psychology. Unfortunately, the yearning I felt to help people was not being fulfilled. I wanted to interact with people young and old, male and female, and of all different ethnicities. I needed to be able to touch someoneââ¬â¢s life and allow them to touch mine in the same way. The opportunity to help students, parents, other faculty members, and the community is my incentive to teach. One of the most important factors of teaching is being able to understand the nature of students. It is my personal belief that no two students are alike. You will find students that share similar interests, have values that are alike, and some students that even use the same learning techniques, but the point is, no two students are exactly the same. The diversity of a classroom allows for more than just textbook knowledge to be learned. It is my opinion that students who learn respect for each others cultures, values, and individual traits will become more knowledgeable than those who can regurgitate their curriculum in their sleep. My personal educational philosophy directly ties into this; I am a firm believer in Progressivism. I feel that schools and curriculum both should be directly tied with the matters, interests, and real-world experiences of students. The nature of a studentââ¬â¢s knowledge should be constructed, dependent, discovered, and true regardless of any person, place, or thing. I once had a teacher tell me that there was no such thing as a stupid question. I have never heard such a true statement. The curriculum that we teach to our students should be structured and dependent on each childââ¬â¢s individual needs, abilities, and skill levels. At the same time we need to allocate students enough liberty so that their knowledge can also become true, regardless of when, where, or how they reach the information. As a progressive teacher I hope to assist learning by aiding students to form their own significant inquiries and discover the paths to solve those matters. Educational Goals and Philosophy :: Teaching Education Careers Essays Educational Goals and Philosophy There is only one incentive that makes me want to be a teacher, but that one incentive comes along with so many everlasting rewards that I have enough motivation to teach for a lifetime. I have always felt a strong desire to help people, so when I began my college career I decided to major in Psychology. Unfortunately, the yearning I felt to help people was not being fulfilled. I wanted to interact with people young and old, male and female, and of all different ethnicities. I needed to be able to touch someoneââ¬â¢s life and allow them to touch mine in the same way. The opportunity to help students, parents, other faculty members, and the community is my incentive to teach. One of the most important factors of teaching is being able to understand the nature of students. It is my personal belief that no two students are alike. You will find students that share similar interests, have values that are alike, and some students that even use the same learning techniques, but the point is, no two students are exactly the same. The diversity of a classroom allows for more than just textbook knowledge to be learned. It is my opinion that students who learn respect for each others cultures, values, and individual traits will become more knowledgeable than those who can regurgitate their curriculum in their sleep. My personal educational philosophy directly ties into this; I am a firm believer in Progressivism. I feel that schools and curriculum both should be directly tied with the matters, interests, and real-world experiences of students. The nature of a studentââ¬â¢s knowledge should be constructed, dependent, discovered, and true regardless of any person, place, or thing. I once had a teacher tell me that there was no such thing as a stupid question. I have never heard such a true statement. The curriculum that we teach to our students should be structured and dependent on each childââ¬â¢s individual needs, abilities, and skill levels. At the same time we need to allocate students enough liberty so that their knowledge can also become true, regardless of when, where, or how they reach the information. As a progressive teacher I hope to assist learning by aiding students to form their own significant inquiries and discover the paths to solve those matters.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Accounting Career
Accounting Career Essay Kawanza Carey Everest Online University Strategies for Success 221 Accounting Career Essay Most people think accounting is just crunching numbers all day; everyone uses some form of accounting. There is much more to accounting than just crunching numbers. There are many types of accountants, covering a wide range of the business world, becoming an accountant opens a wide range of career opportunities. I want to become an accountant because itââ¬â¢s something that Iââ¬â¢m familiar with since I prepare tax returns. Math has always been my favorite subject I enjoy working with numbers. Accountants help to ensure that firms run efficiently, taxes are paid properly and on time and public records are kept accurately. They analyze financial information for all different types of companies, individual clients, and Federal, State, and local governments. Beyond doing the basic tasks; providing information to clients by preparing , analyzing, and verifying financial documents; some accountants offer budget analysis, financial and investment planning, information technology consulting, and limited legal services. There are four major fields of accounting and auditing: public accounting, management accounting, government accounting, and internal auditing. Public accountants perform a broad range of accounting, auditing, tax, and consulting activities for their clients. Some public accountants decide to prepare tax returns while others offer advice in areas such as compensation. Public accountants; many who are Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), generally have their own businesses or work for public accounting firms. Management accountants are responsible for budgeting, performance evaluation, cost management, and asset management. They analyze and interpret the financial information that corporate executives need to make sound decisions. Government accountants and auditors work in the public sector, maintaining and examining the records of the government agencies and auditing private businesses and individuals whose activities are subject to government regulations or taxation. Those employed y the Federal Government may work as Internal Revenue Service agents or in financial management, financial institution examination, or budget analysis and administration. Internal auditors verify the effectiveness of their organizationââ¬â¢s internal controls and check for mismanagement, waste, or fraud. They examine and evaluate their firmsââ¬â¢ financial and information systems, management procedures, and internal controls to ensure that records are accurate and controls are adequate. Most accountants work in an office setting while other may be able to do part of their work at home. They work a 40-hour week job, but some may work longer hours if self-employed and have quite a few clients. During the tax season tax specialist often work longer hours. Accounting, bookkeeping, and auditing clerk are required to have a high school degree at minimum. Having an associate degree in business or accounting is required for some positions. Accountants and auditors need at least a bachelorââ¬â¢s degree in accounting or a related field. Some employers prefer applicants with a masterââ¬â¢s degree in accounting or business administration. An accounting clerk should be very comfortable with working with numbers, enjoy routine because youââ¬â¢re going to be doing the same thing daily. Other personality characteristics to be a successful accounting clerk are computer literate, great communication skills, and ethical. You have to be professional at all time because there may be a lot of irate clients upset about getting audited. If math is your favorite subject and you get along with everybody then being an accountant is a great career for you. Each year, numerous jobs will become available, as clerks transfer to other occupations or leave the labor force. There would be many opportunities for temporary and part-time work. Clerks who can carry out a wider range of accounting activities will be in greater demand than specialized clerks. An example is the demand for full-charge bookkeeper is expected to increase, because they can perform a wider variety of financial transactions. Certified Bookkeepers (CBs) and those with several years of accounting or bookkeeping experience who have demonstrates that they can handle a range of tasks will have the best job prospects. Accountants will always be in demand so I hope to be successful when I complete my degree. (n. d. ) References General Accountant Certified General Accountant Board â⬠¦ (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://certifiedgeneralaccountant. org/ Accountants and Auditors. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. bls. gov/oco/ocos001. htm Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. bls. gov/oco/ocos144. htm
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